Temos o prazer de vos apresentar o último romântico, Terence Trent D'Arby

Terence Trent D'Arby nasceu no Harlem (N. Iorque) em 1962, e foi expulso da tropa, na RFA (1985). Pouco depois, lança Introducing the hardline according to Terence Trent D'Arby (1987), um êxito imediato graças à balada «Sign your name», além doutras canções cheias de energia, soul e R&B.
Em 1995, e após 2 bons lp's mal acolhidos, sai o brilhante Vibrator (vd. videoclip em baixo, dum concerto ao vivo em Londres). É a sua melhor fase artística, aliando lirismo tocante e energia orgasmática. Junta-se aos INXS em 1999, substituindo brevemente o seu amigo (entretanto falecido) Michael Hutchence.
Em 2001, muda de nome legal e artístico para Sananda Maitreya, vem para a Europa e envereda por uma via espiritual pessoal, conciliando descoberta individual, amor, paz e harmonia. Desde então trabalhou no álbum Angels & vampires (vol. 1 de 2005, vol. 2 de 2006). Ainda não deu para perceber se é tão bom qt. aqueles, quem quiser comparar pode ir ao seu site e ouvir amostras.
Este gato sarado vive agora em Itália, com uma bela italiana, sorte a dele. Sorte a nossa, tb., por termos o privilégio de admirar a sua arte.
A balada que aqui se mostra é uma das melhores canções de amor das últimas décadas. Se não acreditam, vão espreitar...
I left the east side for a west coast beauty
A girl who burned my thoughts like kisses
She was down by street decree
She swore she'd pull my best years out of me
Fat painted lips on a live wire beauty
A tangerine girl with tambourine eyes
Her face was my favourite magazine
Her body was my favourite book to read
They say that all poets must have and unrequited love
As all lovers must have thought provoking fears
But holding on to you means letting go on pain
Means letting go of tears
Means letting go of rain
Means letting go of what's not real
Holding on to you
I left the rough side for a seaside baby
A chamomile smile that pouts on cue
For every moment I breathe her sigh
Her bosom contains my sweet alibi
In an emotional mist she breathes in fog
And breathes it out as garden flowers
Why me of all the tough talking boys?
I guess she heard my heartbeat through the noise
They say that all poets must have an unrequited love
As all lovers must have thought provoking fears
But holding on to you means letting go of pain
Means letting go of tears
Means letting go of the rain
Holding on to you
Means letting sorrows heal
Means letting go of what's not real
Holding on to you
They say that all poets must have an unrequited love
As all lovers I'm sure must have thought provoking fears
But holding on to you means letting sorrows heal
Means letting go of what's not real
Holding on to you
I left the east coast for a west coast beauty
A woman who burned my thoughts like kisses
She was down by street decree
She swore she'd pull my best years out of me
Fat wet lips on a sea salt canvas
Goodbye Picasso hello Dolly/Dali
The soil is fertile where her footsteps trod
She's my new religion she's all I got
They say that all poets must have an unrequited love
As all lovers I'm sure must have thought provoking fears
But holding on to you means letting go of pain
Means letting go of tears
Means letting go of rain
Means letting sorrows heal
It means letting go
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